
Ataxia also called impaired balance or coordination is a neurological disorder. Ataxia is caused by damage to the cerebellum, spinal cord or muscles. It affects muscle movements of the body. Homeopathic medicines help in managing the symptoms of Ataxia.


What is Ataxia?

Lack of coordination of muscles during voluntary movements is called ataxia. The part of brain that controls muscle coordination is called cerebellum. When this cerebellum fails in maintaining coordination, ataxia occurs. Ataxia is a neurological sign and symptom. Ataxia may affect movements, speech, eye movements and ability to swallow. Men and women both are equally affected.

Cerebellum is a part of a brain that has an important role in motor control. Cerebellum has also some involvement in cognitive functions like attention, language and regulation of fear and pleasure. Cerebellum has no role in initiation of movement but it helps in coordination and accurate timings of the movement. Sensory system of spinal cord and other parts of the brain sends impulses to the cerebellum. These impulses are combined by the cerebellum to form fine tune motor activity.

How to classify Ataxia?

1. Cerebellar ataxia: In this cerebellum is affected and causes symptoms of ataxia such as:

• There is no co-ordination between organs, muscles, limbs or joints.

• Inability to control distance, power, and speed of an arm, hand, leg or eye movement.

• The body parts tremble as voluntary movement is carried out.

• Slurred speech.

2. Sensory ataxia: In this type of ataxia, dorsal column of spinal cord is affected.

• Loss of perception about body parts.

• An unsteady stamping gaits.

3. Vestibular ataxia: Impairment of inner ear causes vestibular ataxia. It results in vertigo with nausea and vomiting. Following symptoms appears with advancement of the disease:

• Difficulty in swallowing.

• Poor facial expressions.

• Arch of the foot becomes high.

What is the mortality rate in ataxia?

It is progressive disease with high mortality rate.

Who are more prone to get affected with Ataxia?

It is most commonly seen in teen years.

What are the causes of Ataxia?

• Hereditary.

• Deficiency of vitamin B12

• Brain tumor.

• Congenital cerebellar malformations, cerebellar palsy, stroke, multiple sclerosis.

• Abuse of alcohol.

• Lead or mercury poisoning.

• Head injury.

How to diagnose if one has been affected with Ataxia?

Patient presents himself with following signs and symptoms:

• Lacking in coordination.

• Gait becomes unsteady.

• Difficulty while eating, writing, swallowing.

What investigations are advised in cases of Ataxia?

• CT scan or MRI

• Blood tests

• Urinalysis- 24-hour urine is advised if Wilson’s disease is suspected.

• Genetic tests, to rule out Hereditary Ataxia.

What is the preventive measure in cases of Ataxia?

• Speech therapy

• Physiotherapy

• Supplementary diet

• Adaptive devices are used, such as canes or walkers for walking, modified utensils for eating, communication aids for speaking. Difficulties for patients suffering from ataxia and how to help these patients. People with ataxia often encounter difficulties with speech and swallowing.

•Dysphagia can involve problems with chewing, food sticking in the throat or difficulty moving the food back through the mouth. Eating can become very slow, exhausting and messy. People may cough or choke during and after eating, which can be very frightening. Too much saliva means dribbling from the mouth. These problems can combine to make eating stressful and unpleasant. In addition, some food might remain in the mouth after eating, which can cause oral hygiene problems.

People may also experience aspiration, where liquid and food from the throat trickle into the airways and down into the lungs. Diagnosis and treatment are a team effort, perhaps involving a radiologist to carry out a moving X-ray of the swallow, speech and language therapist, dietitian, the person with ataxia, their family and caregivers.[Text Wrapping Break]


•A softer diet requires less chewing; eating is not so tiring.

•Avoid lumpy or very dry food; add gravy (for example) to drier food.

•Pureed or liquidized food may be easier to manage.

•Thickened drinks (add a cornstarch-based preparation) slows the flow, giving more time and control When eating.

•Alternate liquid with solid food – sip fluid during a meal

•Eat little and often through the day – less tiring than full meals

•If full meals seem ok, eat the main meal at midday when most people have more energy and strength, which makes swallowing safer and easier.

•Drink a small amount of water at the end of a meal to remove any food that lingers in the throat; that clear your mouth by coughing deliberately.

•Posture and atmosphere   Good posture: use comfortable, supportive seating; tuck the chin down towards your chest when swallowing to help close the airway and reduce the chance of choking

•Eat in a relaxed atmosphere; cut out distractions (talking or TV) to increase concentration.

•Don’t eat the meal in rush: take time to chew well, allow time between swallows.

•Remain upright for at least 30 minutes after the meal. Ideally, everyone caring for a person with ataxia should learn the Heimlich maneuver, a first aid treatment for choking. Problems with speech (dysarthria).

Ataxia can also cause difficulty with speaking, disrupting the smooth and efficient working of the lips, tongue, soft palate and larynx (voice box).

•Remind the person with ataxia of their communication strategies if they have a tendency to forget to use them. Agreed signals such as raising a hand if tempo becomes too fast help to limit interruptions to conversations when such reminders are necessary.

What is the prognosis for Ataxia?

There is variation in life expectancy. Early death is common.

What are the risk factors for Ataxia?

• Diabetes.

• Kyphosis.

• Lymphoma.

• Scoliosis.

• Recurrent lung infections.

• Progressive movement disorder.

What Homeopathic medication are indicated in cases of Ataxia?

Argentum Nitricum




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