What is Astrovirus?
Astrovirus is a group of viruses that causes diarrhoea illness also known as gastroenteritis. The astrovirus infection is generally mild than those caused by rotavirus and norovirus. The symptoms of astrovirus is very similar to the common viral infection.
How is astrovirus spread?
Infection transmitted via the fecal oral route.
90% of global gastroenteritis due to unsafe water and poor sanitation.
What are the causes of astrovirus?
It is viral infection caused by astrovirus as well as rotavirus, norovirus and calicivirus both the virus causes viral gastroenteritis or Stomach flu.
The infection occurs mostly winter and spring season.
Weak immune system
The virus has also been found in other animals like dogs, birds, cows etc.
Poor hygiene
Contaminated food
Crowded places
How is astrovirus treated?
It is viral disease caused by viruses.
Anti viral medicine
Symptomatically treatment can help to reduce the sign and symptom.
Who are more affected due to astrovirus?
It is mainly affecting young children (especially younger than 2 years old) elderly adults and immunocompromised people.
How long does astrovirus last?
The astrovirus is a viral disease. The symptoms usually last 4 to 5 days but most of the people recover without any treatment.
In case of weak immune system, the diarrhea may have a more prolonged occur and people may become dehydrated in that type of cases the medicinal treatment required.
What are the sign and symptom of astrovirus?
-Diminish appetite
-Body pains
-Abdominal pain
What is the investigation of astrovirus?
-Stool culture
-ELISA test
-Blood test
Can homeopathic medicine help in case of astrovirus?
Yes, homeopathic medicines can help symptomatically.
Some of the homeopathic medicines are:
-Arsenicum album
-Veratrum album