Anal Fissure

An anal fissure is a tear or crack in the skin of the anal canal. It may occur while passing large or hard stool. It may cause bright red bleeding during or after passing stool and it may be painful.



anal fissure

What is Anal Fissure?

A cut or tear in the anus is called anal fissure. The anal fissure may extend up to the anal canal.

During bowel movements, anal fissure causes severe pain.

The most common cause of rectal bleeding in infants is anal fissure due to constipation.

If measures are taken to keep the stool soft, if the constipation is treated, anal fissures heal within few weeks. Some fissures may become chronic and if it doesn’t heal itself then medicines or surgery may be needed to relieve symptoms.

Basics of Anal Fissure:

An opening that allows exit of the intestinal contents is called anus. It is covered by anal epithelium.

The surface of the rectum is covered by a mucous membrane.

Dentate line

It borders the anus from the rectum.

Internal sphincter

It keeps the anus closed.

External sphincter 

It can be tightened at will.

Factor triggers anal fissure?

• Tear in perineum during childbirth can reach up to the anus.
• Hard stool.
• Constipation and straining during bowel movements.
• Chronic diarrhea.
• Certain diseases are responsible for causing anal fissure such as- anal cancer, leukemia, tuberculosis syphilis, gonorrhea, Chlamydia, chancroid and HIV, Crohn’s disease or another inflammatory bowel disease.

What are the Signs and symptoms?

• Pain during and after bowel movements.
• Bleeding from the stool.
• Crack in the skin around the anus.
• Itching around the anus.
• A small lump on the skin near the anal fissure.

What is the difference between hemorrhoid and fissure?

Anal fissures and hemorrhoids have similar symptoms and causes, but they both are  different conditions. An anal fissure is a small tear or ulcer (open sore) in your skin around anus. Whereas piles, also known as hemorrhoids, are swollen veins and muscle around anal region or in your anal canal.

How do you heal a fissure?

Keep your anal area clean and dry after bowel movement. Avoid things which irritate your anal region, such as scented soaps or bubble baths. Get treatment for chronic constipation or ongoing diarrhea. Sits baths, or hip baths, can fasten healing of an anal fissure.


Can fissures cause cancer?

No , having anal sex or putting things into your anus can overstretch the skin and cause a fissure. Too much pressure, tight anal sphincter muscles, and poor blood supply to your anus may lead to poor healing but they don’t cause cancer.

Can fissures be cured without surgery?

In many cases, a fissure can be treated without surgery. A chronic anal fissure may require surgery. To treat an anal fissure with surgery involves cutting a small portion of the anal sphincter muscle to reduce spasm and pain and to promote healing.

Anal fissures heal within a few weeks if constipation and diarrhea are prevented.

• If the tear doesn’t heal within six to eight weeks, proper medicine is required.

• Fiber supplements to keep stool soft so as to avoid further irritation of the fissure.

• Sit baths

• Medicated rectal creams.

Can a fissure turn into a fistula?

Both conditions are different since fistulas are infected channels, there is usually some drainage. Often a draining fistula is not painful, but it can irritate your skin around it. An abscess and fistula often occur together. An abscess may develop as a complication.

How to Investigate?

An anal fissure is diagnosed by the following procedure:
• Anal inspection for the presence of a tear.
• If you have an underlying disorder such as Crohn’s disease or colorectal cancer, the following tests are done.

– Flexible sigmoidoscopy.

– Colonoscopy

– Anal manometry

Homeopathic medicines

• Graphite

• Nitric acid

• Paeonia

• Silicea

• Condurango

• Petroleum

• Plumbum

• Ratanhia


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