Anal Abscess /Perianal Abscess /Perirectal Abscess

Anal abscess occurs when a cavity in anus is filled with pus. It is caused by anal infection or blocked glands. It's symptoms include fever, anal pain and constipation.


anal abscess

What is Perianal Abscess?

Perianal/perirectal abscess also known as rectal/ anal abscess or anorectal abscess is an infection in form of abscess present adjacent to the anus. The abscess arises from an infection at one of the anal sinuses which further lead to inflammation and abscess formation. Perianal abscess is defined as the collection of pus in the area of anus and rectum. Perianal abscess is the infection in the soft tissue surrounding the anal canal and forming the discrete abscess cavity.

What are the Causes of Anal Abscesses

Anal abscess occurs as a result of following causes:

• Infection of an anal fissure.
• Sexually transmitted infections.
• Diabetes.
• Diverticulitis.
• Pelvic inflammatory disease.
• Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis.

What are the signs and symptoms?

Painful lump in anal area.
• Pain during bowel movements.
• Drainage of pus near anus.
• Fever.
• Lower abdominal pain.
• Weakness.
• Swelling in the anal area or buttocks.
• Night sweats.

Diagnosis of Anal Abscesses

Usually, rectal exam is sufficient to diagnose an anal abscess. But some patients may require additional tests to screen for:

• Sexually transmitted infections

• inflammatory bowel disease

• Diverticular disease

• Rectal cancer

• MRI scan

• CT scan

• Ultrasonography

Can an abscess be cancer?

No, abscess itself is not cancerous but Cancer patients may be at risk for abscesses, particularly if they have leukemia and/or they receive chemotherapy or if abscess remain untreated it may turn into complications.

What is the difference between a boil and an abscess?

Boils are generally superficial infections with a thin layer of skin over fluid. Abscesses are generally larger and situated deeper than boils with redness and painful swelling over an affected area filled with pus.

Is a perianal abscess serious?

The treatment of an abscess is surgical mostly. During surgery an incision is made in the skin near the anus to drain the infection. Until the fistula is disappeared, many patients have recurring episodes of pain, swelling and drainage, with intervening periods of apparent healing.

How long does a Perianal abscess take to heal?

Mild pain remains after surgery for several days. Generally people can go back to work or their normal routine 1 or 2 days after surgery. It will take about 2 to 3 weeks for an abscess to completely heal.

How homeopathic medicines helps in perianal abscess?

• Hepar sulph

• Arsenic album

• Nitric acid

• Apis Mellfica

• Capsicum

• Merc sol

• Silicea

• Muriatic acid

• Lachesis



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