Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome(ARDS)

Acute respiratory distress syndrome is a condition in which fluid is filled in the air sacs of lungs. It can be caused due to sepsis, severe pneumonia, burns, etc. People suffering with ARDS have shortness of breath, low blood pressure, confusion. Homeopathic medicines help in management of the symptoms.



What is ARDS?

Acute respiratory distress syndrome or ARDS, also known as respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) or adult respiratory distress syndrome, it is a serious reaction caused due to various forms of injuries (directly or indirectly) or acute infection to the lung.

What are the causes of ARDS?

The common causes of ARDS are:

• Sepsis

• Severe pneumonia

• Head, chest or another major injury

• Pancreatitis

• Massive blood transfusions

• Burns

What symptoms indicate ARDS?

• Severe shortness of breath

• Laboured and unusually rapid breathing

• Low blood pressure

• Confusion

• Extreme tiredness

What happened if ARDS remains untreated?

The most common problems are:

• Blood clots

• Collapsed lung (pneumothorax)

• Infections

• Scarring (pulmonary fibrosis)

• Breathing problems

• Depression

• Memory problems

• Tiredness

• Muscle weakness

What are the investigations to diagnose ARDS?

• Chest X-ray

• Computerized tomography (CT)

• Lab tests

• Heart tests

• Electrocardiogram

• Echocardiogram

What is the Homeopathy Treatment of ARDS?

• Ars Album

• Aconite

• Belladonna

• Sambucus Nigra

• Antimonium-Tart


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