Acute Haemorrhagic Conjunctivitis

Acute Hemorrhagic Conjunctivitis is a rare form of conjunctivitis usually caused by  Picornaviruses. It is characterized by conjunctival congestion, vascular dilatation and onset of edema. It can cause eyelid inflammation, eye discharge and bleeding. Homeopathic medicines helps in management of symptoms.

What is Acute Hemorrhagic conjunctivitis?

Acute Hemorrhagic Conjunctivitis is a rare but extremely infectious form of conjunctivitis usually caused by a group of viruses called Picornaviruses.

acute haemorrhagic conjunctivitis

AHC generally associated with upper respiratory tract infection or pharyngitis. Acute Hemorrhagic Conjunctivitis is commonly known as ‘’PINK EYE’’.

Who is more prone to Acute Hemorrhagic conjunctivitis?

• Children from 9-13years of age group
• Both the genders are equally susceptible
• Individuals with low immunity

What causes Acute Hemorrhagic conjunctivitis?

Infection by one or more viruses can lead to ACH, most common are
• Enterovirus 70
• Coxsackievirus A24
• Adenovirus 11

How does Acute Hemorrhagic conjunctivitis spread?

AHC can only exist in a human host and can be transmitted through the following ways:

• Unwashed hands especially the fingers
• Droplet infection
• Fecal-oral route
• Fomites
• Sharing used object/clothes of the infected person
• Secretions from eyes or infectious tears
• Hospital induced
• Bad hygiene

What are the signs and symptoms of Acute Hemorrhagic conjunctivitis?

• Ocular(eye) pain
• Subconjunctival hemorrhage
• Bloody redness of eyes
• Swelling of the eyelid
• Continuous pricking sensation in eyes
• Sensation of sand in eyes
• Burning
• Irritation of eyes
• Lachrymation (discharge from eyes)
• Blurry vision
• Pharyngitis
• Respiratory complaints-coughing sneezing
• Fever
• In rare cases AHC exhibits paralysis similar to that of Polio

What investigations are advised for Acute Hemorrhagic conjunctivitis?

• Clinical diagnosis
• Complete blood count
• Tear sample

What treatment is advised for Acute Hemorrhagic conjunctivitis?

• Antiviral drugs can be helpful to reduce the virulence of the virus
• Analgesics
• Anti-inflammatory drugs
• Steroidal ointments in severe cases
• Homeopathic medicines are really helpful in treating AHC

What is the prognosis of Acute Hemorrhagic conjunctivitis?

It is a self-limiting disease hence it recovers in 1 to 2 weeks but it does require proper medication in order to prevent the virus from causing any serious ocular complication.

What is the complication of Acute Hemorrhagic conjunctivitis?

• Super-imposed bacterial infection
• Bell’s palsy
• Corneal superinfection

What is the differential diagnosis of Acute Hemorrhagic conjunctivitis?

• Epidemic keratoconjunctivitis
• Nonspecific acute follicular conjunctivitis
• Allergic conjunctivitis
• Bacterial conjunctivitis
• Phlyctenular conjunctivitis

Management for Acute Hemorrhagic conjunctivitis

• Avoid rubbing/touching eyes
• Maintain isolation during the period of infection
• Avoid going in the crowd
• Maintain good hygiene
• Avoid sharing handkerchief
• Avoid using home remedies
• Keep your eyes clean
• Consult your physician

What are commonly indicated homeopathic remedies for Acute Hemorrhagic conjunctivitis?

• Belladonna
• Euphrasia
• Merc-sol
• Pulsatilla
• Lachesis

Related: Conjunctivitis

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