Acne Vulgaris

Acne vulgaris is a skin condition in which hair follicle get plugged in with oil and dead skin cells. More commonly affecting adolescents. It can represent itself as redness, scarring, cyst, pustules. Homeopathic medicines help in managing the condition.

What is acne vulgaris?

Acne vulgaris is aacne vulgaris common skin disorder that mainly affects adolescents. It is the chronic disease of the sebaceous follicle that primarily affects face, chest, and back most with the presence of oily skin. At puberty, androgens increase the production of sebum from enlarged sebaceous glands resulting in blockage and infection.

How acne vulgaris represents itself?

It is presented as follows:

Non-inflammatory lesions:

• Open comedones i.e. blackheads
• Closed comedones i.e. whiteheads
• Uninflamed nodules i.e. cysts

Inflammatory lesions:

• Papules i.e. small red bumps
• Pustules i.e. white or yellow squeezable spots
• Inflamed nodules i.e. large red lumps

Secondary lesions:

• Excoriation
• Erythematous macules
• Pigmented macules
• Scars

What are the factors responsible for development of acne vulgaris?

Factors responsible for the development of acne vulgaris are
• The hyperproliferation of epidermal follicle and plugging of the follicle.
• Excessive production of sebum.
• Presence of bacteria.
• Inflammation.

Both men and women are equally affected. 
It is more common in whites than blacks.

• Family history of acne
• Increased androgen production
• Overactivity/hyperresponsiveness of sebaceous glands in response to androgens
• Propionibacterium acnes colonization
• Exposure to halogenated hydrocarbons
• Adolescence
• Greasy hair
• Oil-based cosmetics
• Excessive intake of skim milk in teenagers
• High use of contraceptive pills
• Sports equipment like helmet strap rubbing and occluding skin.

What are the symptoms of acne vulgaris?

Acne commonly appears on the face and shoulders, but it may also occur on the trunk, arms, legs, and buttocks.
• Redness around the skin eruptions
• Scarring of the skin
• Blackheads or whiteheads
• Papules (small red bumps)
• Pustules
• Cysts

• Acne Rosacea
• Folliculitis
• Milia
• Perioral dermatitis.
• Pityrosporum folliculitis

How can I get my acne vulgaris diagnosed?

• Complete case history
• Clinical examination (presence of comedones, papules, pustules, and nodules in the face, upper chest, back).
• Hormonal evaluation should be done if the female has dysmenorrhea or hirsutism along with acne.
• Total testosterone level should be measured if the patient is complaining of virilization.
• Skin lesion culture for patients who don’t respond to treatment.

Homeopathic medicines:

Antimonium crudum
• Small red pimples on the face.
• Acne in drunkards with gastric derangements, thirst and white-coated tongue.
• Face with a sad expression.
• Fat, fretful, cross and peevish.

Asterias Rubens
• Pimples on the face at the age of puberty.
• Flabby, lymphatic constitution, flabby with a red face.
• Nervous disturbances.
• Pimples on side of nose chin and mouth.

Kali bromatum
• Acne on the face, neck, and shoulders.
• Face flushed.
• Acne of the face.
• The general failure of mental power, loss of memory, melancholia, anesthesia of the mucous membranes.
• Itching of skin worse on chest, shoulders, and face.

• Greasy face.
• Pale, sickly look.
• Presence of blackheads.
• Small numerous pustules with itching.
• Itching after scratching vesicles.
• Acne worse during menses, from fats, sugar, coffee, meat.

• The skin is rough and hard.
• Great aggravation of water is the characteristic symptoms.
• The face is Pale, sickly color.
• Heat and spotted redness of face.
• Black pores.
• Itching intensely in evening and from warmth.

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