Development of Dentition in Children!

What is dentition in children? Let’s talk about this topic in this article.

dentition in children

• The dentition is one of the most important part of human milestones.
• Teeth start developing in the unborn baby. The good nutrition from the mother during pregnancy is important in tooth development.
• Every child is different. The dentition teeth erupt at different times.
• Temporary or milk teeth or deciduous teeth are 20.
• But in some cases, the delayed dentition may be familiar with malnutrition or due to Vit D deficiency. And those such cases the homeopathic medicines can help very nicely.
• Permanent teeth are 32 and they erupt in a different order.

dentition in children

Temporary teeth

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Age Teeth Eruption
At birth nil
6 – 7 months to 10 months first central & lateral incisors
1 – 1.2years first molar
1.2- 1.6 years cuspids
2 – 3 years second molar



• Give them teething biscuits, which may contain sugar.
• Rub the gums with a clean finger.
• Offer them something to chew on.

In many cases, Cal Phos and Cal Flour are common household medicines in which parents prefer their child’s dentition.

**This definitely is a good option however the parents need to be careful that if these medicines are not reliving the symptoms than constitutional Homeopathic Medicine required which should be prescribed by a seasoned Homeopathic Practitioner.

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