Common Signs Of Acid Reflux In Babies

acid reflux in babies

Babies often spit up after eating because of the immature digestive system and this condition—known as acid reflux or gastroesophageal reflux (GER). GER rarely causes problem and usually disappears as your baby ages. However, extreme acid reflux symptoms -frequent vomiting associated with discomfort and difficulty feeding or weight loss may point to something more serious known as GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease).

Also Read: Natural Ways to Prevent Heartburn and Acidity
What Causes Acid Reflux in Babies?

As Your baby’s gastrointestinal system is still developing his stomach might not work properly hence, the contents sometimes make their way upward to the oesophagus, leading to spitting up or vomiting.

Sign and Symptoms of acid reflux in Infants and Children:

• Frequent, forceful Spitting up and vomiting
• Inconsolable crying or screaming that sounds like it may be from pain
• Recurrent ‘Wet’ burp or hiccups
• Feeding issues
– Unwillingness to eat
– Arching their back and Pulling away
– Refusal to feed or having a small amount despite being hungry
– Irritability or Crying during or after feeds
– Retract from the nipple while breastfeeding
– Gagging or spluttering during feed
• Sleeping issues
– Small naps during the day
– Difficulty in settling down
– Easily disturbed sleep or restless
• Respiratory problems – Frequent choking, coughing, wheezing, or recurrent chest infections
• Weight issues – inadequate weight loss or failure to gain weight
• Drooling or excessive salivation
• Bad smelling breath
• Hoarseness
• Blood in stool
• Poor growth

Your child with reflux might not display all the above-mentioned symptoms, and the number of symptoms present does not indicate the severity of their ‘reflux’.

Also Read: GERD or Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease

For more information, you can visit WebMD and HealthLine.

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