Colic in babies

Understanding a new born baby is a challenging task. Parents put their best efforts to fulfill the baby’s needs. Crying is a natural way for a baby to let you know his or her needs. But uncontrollable crying in a healthy baby when nothing soothes him or her is a stressful situation. . At that time, only purpose of parents is to give relief to the baby as soon as possible. In an attempt to give relief, mothers start feeding baby but it further worsens the condition.


This article will provide you knowledge to understand colic in babies and how you can provide relief to your baby. Colic is episodic and self –limited and begins at 2 to 3 weeks of age. At the 2 months of age the episodes of colic reaches its peak, starts subsiding by 3 months and gone by 4 months of age.

Before starting treating your baby for colic make sure that there is no other cause of crying. Have a thorough check-up by a pediatrician so that he can rule out other conditions.

Other possible medical reasons for fussiness are:

• Ear or urinary infection.
• Gastro esophageal re-flux.
• Problem in eye.
• Hernia.
• Bone fracture.
• Heart problems.

There are many questions in the mind of parents when they see their little one in pain. It is hard to understand for them that why baby is crying, so let’s first discuss the signs of colic that will help you to understand your little one.

•Exact cause of colic is not known.

•Intolerance to cow’s milk.

•Flowing back of milk or acid into the esophagus cause colic.

•Intestinal spasm occurs due to immature digestive system and this could cause colic.

•Mothers may think there is something wrong with their diet that is problematic to baby.

•Common foods that can affect breast milk and result in formation of gas in baby are:

• Onions, garlic, cabbage, broccoli, turnip and beans.

• Cow’s milk.

• Caffeine

Calm your crying baby by giving comfort. Few tips that could help to some extent to calm your baby are:

• Rub baby’s back in downward direction.

• Swaddle the baby. The world is new for the new born baby and baby is still learning to adjust to the new environment. Swaddling will give the feeling of being in womb which gives a soothing effect and relief to the baby.

• Some babies love noises while others need a quiet place. Act accordingly. Play music if baby feels comfort.

• Baby swallows air, so always burp your baby after feeding.

• Ask your doctor to recommend probiotic for your baby.

• Use warm water bottle. Some babies enjoy feeling of warmth against their belly. But be cautious while doing it as it may harm your little one. Take lukewarm water in a bottle and wrap the bottle in a towel.

• Try to give different atmosphere to her. Take your baby out in open air. New sights, sounds may distract her.

• Try different positions of carrying your baby and see which one your baby finds comfortable.

• Give a bath to baby. It may distract and relax her.

• Natural instinct of babies is to suck. It gives a soothing experience to them. In order to distract and give a soothing effect, offer a pacifier to a baby.

Homeopathic remedies are the best and safest choice for treating colic in babies. Homeopathic remedy not only helps in giving relief to babies in colic but also helps in strengthening week digestive system. Homeopathic medicines are made from natural substances hence medicines encourage baby’s development naturally.

Chamomilla 30:Baby is intensely irritable. Baby wants to be carried around and like something warm being placed on their tummy. Tummy of baby is distended.

Colocynthis 30: Baby is relieved on putting pressure on stomach.

Nux Vomica 30: Abdomen appears tight. There is a spasm of pain with constipation.

Natrum Phos 3X: This medicine helps in neutralizing acids and digestion.

Magnesium Phos 3X: This medicine is among one of the best remedies for giving relief in cramps. This medicine best results when given in warm water.

Aethusia 30: This medicine is best indicated in infants who cannot tolerate breast milk.

Lycopodium 30: Symptoms aggravate between 4-8 pm and sometimes 2 a.m. baby has bloated abdomen with gurgling sound and flatulence. Baby feels better lying on the right side.

Silicea 30: Babies cannot tolerate breast-milk and vomit up as curds after feeding. Silicea is given to the breastfeeding mother (rather than the baby).


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