Writers Cramp Treated with Homeopathy Medication

A case of writers cramp treated successfully with our Homeopathic Medicine. Read this case study to know how we helped the patient. If you or your loved ones are suffering from a similar problem or any health issue for that matter, our doctors are always there to help you. Just fill in your details in the form down below and we will answer all your questions for FREE!

A 53 year old patient came with pain in hand since 8 months. He was working as a personal assistant to Inspector General of Police. He could not write comfortable with out pain. He has spasmodic pain while he exerted to write. His hand writing had also become unreadable. He was having difficulty in continuing his job.

His job involved excessive paper work and he had to write and type many pages daily.

He was very stressed as this job was his source of income and he was the only family member earning his family which consisted of his wife and 2 daughters who were studying in college.

He had tried botox injections, anti spasmodic medication but there was no considerable improvement.

Our team of doctors advised to start physiotherapy along with homeopathic medications.

It was explained to him that we can try to relieve his complaints considerable but complete cure may not be possible.

Patient came for follow up after 2 months and his pain had reduced by 20 % and spasms were lesser comparatively.His handwriting was still unreadable.

The patient reported after 2 months again that his pain had reduced up to 70 % and there were spasms but intensity had reduced considerably. He continued medication for 3 more months. And his pain and spasms were better, he occasional had spasm when he did overtime or exerted. Patient was relived as he was able to continue his job comfortable.

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