Wilson’s Disease :- Treated With Homeopathic Medicine Within A Year

Wilsons disease treated with homeopathic medicine within a year. Read the case study to learn how our homeopathic medicines helped the patient. If you or your loved ones are suffering from any disease, our doctors are always there to help you. Just fill in your details in the form down below and we will answer all your questions for FREE!

A 24 Yr old female (Patient identification number 20564) visited our clinic on 20 march 2015 diagnosed with Wilson’s disease.

Her father mentioned that her problem started after an accident in 2010 when he noticed that his daughter’s speech is getting slower as compared to earlier. She was unable to complete her sentence, few words are not clear; even she skipped few words if she speaks hurriedly.

She had weakness in her right side of body with right sided facial palsy, she had to hold her face during an attack.

She cannot write properly with her right hand. It is very difficult for her to write for a long hours. While writing she changed her hands from right to left hand within 10 minutes due to pain. Gripping of her fingers were weak, she cannot hold the things for a long time.

Patient was unable to raise right arm properly, cannot comb her hair with own hands, her mother usually help her to comb her hair.

She also had problem of unbalancing along with difficulty in walking and felt insulted while her collegiate smiled at her walk and speech, she felt ignored by her friends, got disturbed by her relationship which pushed her to habits of alcohol and smoking.

We prescribed medicines to her and gave her counseling for good results or to improve her condition. He suggested her to speak slowly as to avoid stammering.

After 3 months she said her gripping was improved as now she is able to hold the things, earlier it was not there, stammering was also better.

She continued the medication and came for follow up on 20 September 2015.This time she was much better than before, right sided weakness overcome, her facial palsy also improved.

She is satisfied with the treatment and still taking medicines from us.

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