Warts Are Treatable With Homeopathy

A case showing warts are treatable with homeopathy. A patient was treated completely with our Homeopathic Medicines. Read this case study to know how we helped the patient. If you or your loved ones are suffering from a similar problem or any health issue for that matter, our doctors are always there to help you. Just fill in your details in the form down below and we will answer all your questions for FREE!

A patient with Identification no.31555 visited our clinic for the complaint of warts on his lips. He complained about his warts since the 25 years of age.

Our team of doctors examined his condition of wart on lips. It was soft, painful and white in color. Patient said it is very difficult for him to have his food, talking to someone had also become very tough task for him, he used to cover his lips as he felt embarrassed.

He tried so many medicines,ointments but every time all treatments suppressed his complaints and reoccurred in the same manner . He was tired of using different medicines and left with no hope of cure.

He had become less confident and anxious for job interviews as warts on lips gave him feeling of being disliked by others which affected his performance.
He was scarred to approach any girl for matrimony as he had a fear of being rejected by any girl due to his looks. He started avoiding socializing.

Our doctors prescribed him a medicines for 4 months.

Patient reported that the small warts were nearly gone whereas bigger one were still there. By the second visit it became clear for us to concentrate more on bigger warts and we started the treatment accordingly. After 10 months of Homeopathic treatment patient has recovered completely and there is no recurrence till date. Its been almost a year without any episode.

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