Get Better Treatment for Chilblains Through Homeopathy

Get better treatment for chilblains with our Homeopathic Medicine. Read this case study to know how we helped the patient. If you or your loved ones are suffering from a similar problem or any health issue for that matter, our doctors are always there to help you. Just fill in your details in the form down below and we will answer all your questions for FREE!

A patient with an identification no.55654 consulted us regarding his skin related complaints. He had complained of swollen fingers of hands and feet.

Our team of doctors did an examination and diagnosed it as a chilblain. Patient’s fingers of both hands and feet were swollen and inflamed. They turned blue in more cold weather.

He complained of this swelling in every winter season. The itching was there which increased mostly at night. He had to scratch it which used to give some relief but instead of some relief his itching converted into burning.

He tried so many treatments for it but it got better just for the season and happened again when next winters had approached.

After taking so many treatments he felt his immune system also got bad. So, he decided to take Homeopathy medicines.

Our team of doctors took all his symptoms into considerations and prescribed him medicines.

He was advised to take hot fomentation and apply Vaseline over it.

Patient took medicines for that winters and got relief, by this he took treatment for next winters also and got better.

But, with the third winter season his skin was absolutely fine. He came to inform us that this season was a perfect one as he was completely fine and had nothing on his skin.

He was grateful to our doctors and our homeopathic treatment for his permanent removal of disease.

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