Tonsilitis Treated Successfully with Homeopathy

A case of tonsilitis treated successfully with our Homeopathic Medicine. Read this case study to know how we helped the patient. If you or your loved ones are suffering from a similar problem or any health issue for that matter, our doctors are always there to help you. Just fill in your details in the form down below and we will answer all your questions for FREE!

An 8-years-old boy visited our clinic with his mother on 9th February 2018 for the treatment of Recurrent Tonsillitis. He was suffering from frequent episodes of Tonsillitis for 1 year.

During the episode, patient complained of pain in the throat with difficulty in swallowing along with a fever, chills, and enlargement of the lymph nodes. Apart from this, he was suffering from Allergic Bronchitis every 2-3 months periodically. During the episode; he would suffer from the cold, cough with yellowish difficult expectoration, fever. His complaints got worse after having cold drinks, change of temperature and in the winter. He was on allopathic medication. His parents were worried as in every 1-2 months there was a need to give anti-allergic medicine or antibiotics to the child. He was prescribed accordingly.

After 20 days of medication patient visited his Tonsillitis complaints were as it is. Still, his lymph node enlargement was prominent, and there was no change in his complaints of Tonsillitis with the first set of medicines, but Allergic Bronchitis complaint was slightly better.

On his second follow up the parents of the patient reported that his complaints were much better. Tonsils enlargement was reduced and no fever was recorded. Our doctors advised the parents to avoid sour and cold foods as these foods will worsen his condition. Parents were satisfied with the treatment and continued the treatment for 3 more months for complete recovery.

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