Tennis Elbow Treated with Homeopathy

Tennis Elbow treated with our Homeopathic Medicine. Read this case study to know how we helped the patient. If you or your loved ones are suffering from a similar problem or any health issue for that matter, our doctors are always there to help you. Just fill in your details in the form down below and we will answer all your questions for FREE!

A 40 years old patient with identification no.42234 consulted us regarding his complaint Tennis Elbow. He told us he was a sportsman in his teenage years and once he got an injury on his left arm, he has always had problem.

He ignored his injury and did all his work as usual but as his age advanced, he felt his old injury exaggerated into some serious, he never gave rest to his left arm and keep on doing the work which caused strain.

Occasionally, he had complaints of swollen elbow but he ignored it and used household remedies to get relief. Now, he was having complains while lifting anything.
Our team of doctors studied his reports and prescribed him medicine. It was advised to him to stop all his painkiller and avoid doing some heavy load works.

Medicines of 2 month gave him some better relief but that remains for some time.

When he visited again some physical strength were tested like he was asked to hold the cup tightly and medicines were prescribed accordingly.

His grip was loose while holding the cup but in a next visit, when again his grip was tested, it was much better than before.

Another set of medicines were given to him and he also reported considerable relief in his pain, his grip was stronger.

Within a one and a half year he was nearly relived with his chronic complains.

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