Severe Sun Allergy treated Successfully with Homeopathy

A case of Polymorphic Light Eruptions (PMLE) or severe Sun Allergy treated successfully with our homeopathic medicines. If you or your loved ones are suffering from a similar problem or any health issue for that matter, our doctors are always there to help you. Just fill in your details in the form down below and we will answer all your questions for FREE!

Mr A. G from Jaipur , Rajasthan contacted us via Website and was diagnosed with PMLE( Polymorphous Light eruption) since 15 years and he had been taking Corticosteroids to control his blisters and rashes.

He could not even go out in sun without being in pain.

Our doctors prescribed him medication and advised to apply Spf 50 Sunscreen.

The Patient had episodes of rashes every alternate day for two months but as the treatment progressed the patient’s medicine was increased gradually.

The patient was worried about long use of Homeopathy and if it could cause any side effects, he was assured that Homeopathy intake for long duration will not have any side- effects.

Mr.A.G reported after 5 months that his rashes episode had reduced from alternate day to once in 15 days.The patient was advised to continue the treatment.

Its been almost a year and patient has no episode since 2 months, the patient is now able to tolerate Sun in early morning without blistering and he has stopped taking any corticosteroid since past 6 months. He is still taking treatment to achieve complete remission.

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