Osteomyelitis Can Be Cured in Homeopathy

A case of osteomyelitis being treated with our homeopathic medicines. Read this case study to know how osteomyelitis can be cured in homeopathy. If you or your loved ones are suffering from a similar problem or any health issue for that matter, our doctors are always there to help you. Just fill in your details in the form down below and we will answer all your questions for FREE!

A 2-year-old master R.C patient identification number 2669) his father consulted us via e mail on 17 November 2017 from Mumbai. His son was diagnosed with Right distal femur Osteomyelitis with abscess.

His father talked with us on phone and told about his son complaints. Child had recurrent fever with pain of affected area with oozes of pus discharge. He took lots of antibiotic treatment and once operated also for osteomyelitis. His reports showed positive staphylococcal infection. Apart from this child had recurrent cough and coryza which was aggravated from change of temperature.

His father was so concerned about his son health as he is the only child. Our team of doctors asked more about child temperament, his physical generals and prescribed medicine on the basis of his symptoms for a month.

On next follow-up child fever was slight improved but pus discharge remained same as before. Our doctors gave medicine for 2 months and advised for a blood test get to know about ESR, CRP levels.

On 17 march 2018 child was better in all aspects and our doctors advised his father to take the medicines regularly for complete recovery, so he is still under the treatment.

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