A case of Hypothyroidism treated with Homeopathic Medicine

A case of hypothyroidism treated with our Homeopathic medicines. Don’t worry if you have hypothyroidism. Read this case study to know how we helped the patient. If you or your loved ones are suffering from a similar problem or any health issue for that matter, our doctors are always there to help you. Just fill in your details in the form down below and we will answer all your questions for FREE!

Mrs. Madh, age 39 yrs. (patient identification number 5677) from Naya Gaon contacted us on 27/3/2017 with the complaint of irregular menstrual cycle, depression, body aches, fatigue, weight gain, forgetfulness and anxiety since 2 yrs.

Her condition was worst as she was not able to do her day to day activity because of her depression, body aches, irregular heavy menstrual bleeding, therefore she loses interest in everything, she became indifferent to her work, friends, family. In spite of gaining weight she became weak, not able to concentrate, started forgetting things i.e her memory became weak, negativity starts approaching her, depressed, dull etc.

She told the doctor that she is taking allopathic medication since one and half year, she is better with the medication but as soon as stopped taking her allopathic medicines, her condition deteriorates. so she won’t be able to overcome.

Our team of doctors took her complete case i.e all the symptoms (mental symptoms as well as physical symptoms) and prescribed the medicine accordingly but we advised the patient that symptomatically we can help you but complete cure of hypothyroidism is not possible. We can help you by tapering down your allopathic medication.

Patient came for follow up after one month and told that her body aches were better but rest all complaints were the same. She took medicine for one month and came for follow up on 25/05/2017, she complaint that there was no change in her menstrual bleeding as well as her weight was also as such.

Our doctors told her that in cases of Hypothyroidism there is hormonal imbalance, so have patience in-order to get rid of the symptoms.

Patient reported back on 30/07/2017 and told our doctors that her complaints were better than before accept menses and weight loss.

Our doctors counseled and advised her to take medicine regularly.

After 3 months she had telephonic conversation with our doctor and was better (40-45%) in all aspects as her menstrual flow was also better. She became confident and continued the medication.

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