Market Analyst benefited in her case of Social Anxiety Disorder

A case of Social Anxiety Disorder treated with our Homeopathic Medicine. Read this case study to know how we helped the patient. If you or your loved ones are suffering from a similar problem or any health issue for that matter, our doctors are always there to help you. Just fill in your details in the form down below and we will answer all your questions for FREE!

A 30-year-old female visited our clinic on 6th April 2018. She reported that she was suffering from with Social Anxiety disorder since childhood which had worsened recently. She had palpitations with abdominal cramps and sensation of nausea with severe fear and restlessness. She also complained of sensation for defecation whenever guest used to visit her home or she had to socialize.

She was recently married and she had to visit her new relatives and in-laws, she was scared that if she had panic attack if front of others people will know about her problem, she felt embarrassed about her situation.

She was a market analyst. She had selected her career with focus in her mind that she doesn’t have to interact with huge crowds or she doesn’t have to work in public facing sector of corporate industry.

She had tried many anti-depressants and anti-psychotic medication as a result she had developed dark circles around her eyes yet she had no improvement in her complaint of social anxiety. She wished to try homeopathy as it doesn’t have any side effects and her friend had suggested her.

Our team of doctors studied her case and prescribed her medication along with counselling.

She reported after one and half month on 28th May 2018. She said her complaints were still the same. Our doctors advised her to continue medication and give her condition some time to improve as she had it for many years and it had become chronic.

She reported after a month on 28th June. She was glad to report that her anxiety was somewhat better. She mentioned that recently she could attend a colleague’s birthday party and she felt slightly uncomfortable but she was able to eat. There were no complaints of nausea, abdominal cramps, urge to defecate or palpitations.

She continued her medicines for 3 more months and reported on 15th September 2018. She was glad to report that now she was able to participate in her office seminars and meetings comfortably. She still could not give presentations in her office facing the crowd but she was overall happy that she was able to visit her relatives and office meeting without severe anxiety.

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