Look good with Homeopathy by removing Warts

A case study of how our Homeopathic Medicines helped in removing warts. Read this case study to know how we helped the patient. If you or your loved ones are suffering from a similar problem or any health issue for that matter, our doctors are always there to help you. Just fill in your details in the form down below and we will answer all your questions for FREE!

A patient named MR. V.K with identification no. 1077 visited our clinic regarding his complaints of multiple warts on face. He was 35 years old and suffered from warts on face.

He had a history of chronic skin allergies for 10 years of age. He used lots of steroidal creams on skin for different skin allergies.

He had been operated with cauterization of warts on face as he felt warts made his appearance looked unpleasant. He had started losing his confidence. It became difficult for him to socialize with anyone.

In spite of recurrent cauterization, he got relief for few months but after few months’ warts would appear again, and every time they were worse and more in number as compared to earlier.

He was fed up from all the treatments and decided to switch towards Homeopathy treatment. He visited this website and consulted him.

He visited our clinic and showed us his old pictures. Our doctors studied his case and prescribed him medicines for 2 months and told him that minor changes could be there within 2 months.

He visited our clinic in Chandigarh after 2 months with considerable improvement. Warts had become less painful and its progress had slowed down.

Treatment is still continuing for complete recovery.

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