Hyperemesis Gravidarum Treatment with Homeopathy

A case study of hyperemesis gravidarum treatment with our Homeopathic Medicines. Read this case study to know how we helped the patient. If you or your loved ones are suffering from a similar problem or any health issue for that matter, our doctors are always there to help you. Just fill in your details in the form down below and we will answer all your questions for FREE!

A 30-year-old female from New Delhi called us for her complaint of severe vomiting and nausea in her 1st trimester. It was her first pregnancy and initially she thought it is normal but the vomiting and nausea were so severe that she had to be admitted twice in 1 and half month. She could not go to work and was not able to eat or even tolerate smell of food.

She was very upset as she felt weakness and occasionally dizzy. Our doctors prescribed her medication and explained to her that it is completely safe to take Homeopathy in pregnancy if prescribed by a professional so she does not have to worry about any side effects. It was also explained that we can help in this condition up to an extent but pregnancy is not a disease so this changes in body are physiological and natural.

She reported after 1 week that she had mild improvement, she was able to eat a bit.

She visited clinic after 15 days of treatment that she was 80% better, now she just felt nausea when she smelled non-veg food otherwise, she was could eat comfortable and she no longer felt the weakness or dizziness. She was advised to continue medicine for 1 more month and stop. She later reported she had no discomfort.

Conclusion: – Hyperemesis Gravidarum is condition where there is nausea that doesn’t go away along with severe vomiting that leads to severe dehydration which doesn’t allow you to keep any food or fluids down. Homeopathy is safe in such cases if prescribed by a professional.

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