Homeopathy Is The Safest Treatment For Bedsores

Bedsores treated with homeopathy and it’s the safest treatment for bedsores. Read this case study to know how we helped the patient. If you or your loved ones are suffering from a similar problem or any health issue for that matter, our doctors are always there to help you. Just fill in your details in the form down below and we will answer all your questions for FREE!

A patient with identification no 34566 consulted us regarding his ailments of Bedsores. He was on his wheelchair and told us that after an accident, he became paralyzed and had to stay on wheel chair for more of his time.

As he was seated on one place for a long period, it caused injury to his skin by pressure.

He took so many treatments, used ointments but after a while his skin ailments reoccurred again.

His skin was affected became painful and inflamed. Pain was unbearable that, even a slight movement was unbearable. The patient was not diabetic.

Our team of doctors examined his skin and diagnosed it as Bedsores, and prescribed him medicine accordingly. He was advised to keep his place dry and avoid scratching .It was advised to start using airbed to prevent further bedsores.

After 2 months, patient was slightly better.

Medicines were prescribed for another 2 months, and it was advised to keep the skin area dry and clean, keep a good hygiene.

Within 5 months of regular medicines, he was perfectly all right and skin had healed.

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