Homeopathy Is The Best Cure Of Hair Fall

A case study showing how homeopathy is the best cure of hair fall. Read this case study to know how our homeopathic medicines showed improvement. If you or your loved ones are suffering from a similar problem or any health issue for that matter, our doctors are always there to help you. Just fill in your details in the form down below and we will answer all your questions for FREE!

A female patient of hair fall with Identification no.27928 consulted our doctors on 6th June 2017 for her complaint of Hair fall. She was 24 years old and had severe hair fall that resulted her to be almost bald from crown area.

She had done Hair transplant but even after that her hair didn’t stop falling. Her hair fall was in bunches from the roots.

She took multivitamins, hair regrowing oils, applied different medicated shampoos but nothing worked for her. Dandruff was there along with hair fall.

Every time when she even combed her hair with fingers, she felt bunches of hair in her hand and left that area like a bald patch on her scalp.

Her medical reports were all normal. No Thyroid and other medical issue were diagnosed. She had well balanced diet. She had no addictions like smoking or alcohol consumption.
Our team of doctors advised her not to use different shampoos as chemical based things might could affect her hair further.
Healthy diet rich in protein was suggested to her with parallel to medicines.

She reported on 6th August 2017 that her hair fall was less. But there was no improvement in regrowth. It was explained to the patient that hair regrowth takes few months.
She continued medication for 7 months with regular follow ups. The hair fall had reduced considerable and there was growth of hair in bald spots. However the new hair were thin so she was advised to continue high protein diet. She reported after six months after she had stopped medicine on 15th November 2018 and she was impressed with beautiful results that she had attained with Homeopathy and she was happy as she had continuous improvement even after she stopped homeopathy medicine.

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