Headache Treated Successfully with Homeopathy

A case of headache treated successfully with our Homeopathic Medicine. Read this case study to know how we helped the patient. If you or your loved ones are suffering from a similar problem or any health issue for that matter, our doctors are always there to help you. Just fill in your details in the form down below and we will answer all your questions for FREE!

A 26 year old boy from Punjab, India visited our clinic on 30th December 2018 with complaint of severe headache since 15 days. He mentioned that the pain was so excruciating he tried many pain killers but pain was recurred and he suffered daily. He also had lachrymation from eyes due to which it was difficult to even go to work.

He was a software engineer and he had to work for long hours. He was advised to cover his head and protect it from cold draft.

Our doctors prescribed him medication after evaluating his symptoms.

Patient was happy to report after 1 week that his pain had reduced considerably. He was advised to continue medication for 1 more week.

He reported after 1 week again and his pain was relieved and there was no watering from his eyes. He was advised to protect his head from cold draft to avoid recurrence and his medication was stopped as he did not need it anymore.

Conclusion:- It is a myth that Homeopathy works slow if patient start homeopathy in early stages of any disease then the recovery is quick and long lasting with Homeopathy. Usually patients comes to us after they have tried everything and their disease has advanced to a stage where it takes time with homeopathy to get treated.

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