Recurrent boils (Folliculitis) treated by Dr Thind

A case of folliculitis or recurrent boils treated successfully with our homeopathic medicines. Read this case study to know how we could help the patient. If you or your loved ones are suffering from a similar problem or any health issue for that matter, our doctors are always there to help you. Just fill in your details in the form down below and we will answer all your questions for FREE!

Mr. A.K (Patient Identification no. 3268) aged 30 years visited our Chandigarh clinic on 30th August 2017 from Punjab.

Patient had complaint of folliculitis on chin, lower lip, upper lip since 3 yrs. Boils discharge of white pus, itching generally aggravated in humid weather, heat. There was profuse sweating on his face even in winters. He took lot of antibiotics for this problem.

He also complained of dull pain with redness. There was also scarring after boil healed. Apart from this he was known case of hypothyroidism since 3 yrs. it was under control with medicines.
Our doctors studied her case thoroughly and prescribed medicine for 2 weeks.

After two weeks he came for follow up and he told that his itching improved but eruptions were as such.

So, we explained to him that his complaints were chronic and it will take time, so he was advised to take the treatment patiently and regularly.

As he took regular medicines for 6-7 months and was completely cured.

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