Depression:- A Case of Depression Treated with Homeopathic Medicine by Dr Thind

A patient with depression treated with homeopathic medicine. Read the full post to learn how depression can be cured with homeopathic medicines. If you or your loved ones are under the grip of depression, our doctors always there to help you. Just fill in your details in the form down below and we will answer all your questions for FREE!

Mr. B.h.u, aged 32 yrs (patient identification number 1234) from Canada contacted us through website on 18/7/2018 with the complaint of depression and anxiety for past 2 yrs.

His depression was so severe that he lost interest in everything, he had became indifferent to his work, friends, family. He became indecisive, confused, and was not able to concentrate, he had started forgetting things i.e his memory became weak, lack of confidence is there, he complained about negative thoughts.

Apart from mental symptoms he also suffered from bilateral nasal polyp, hair fall and skin infections. He told the doctor that he had a history of grief, sorrow and disappointments in his life so he won’t be able to overcome.

He used to take conventional medication for his depression, anxiety, nasal polyp but he felt no relief. He even consulted psychiatrist for his ailments but not satisfied.

Our doctors studied his case in detail.

Patient reported after 2 months on 19/9/2017. His anxiety was a bit better but rest all symptoms were still the same.

The doctors counseled and advised him to take medicine regularly.

After 3 months he had telephonic conversation with our team of doctors and he was better approximately (60-70%) in all aspects. Now he became more confident about the treatment.

He is still continuing the treatment for further relief.

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