Chronic Cough:-Four year old girl could enjoy her ice cream again without getting sick again

Chronic cough cured in a four year old girl. Read the full post to learn how a four year old girl could enjoy her ice cream again without getting sick again with our homeopathic medicines. If you or your loved ones are sick of chronic cough, our doctors are always there to help you. Just fill in your details in the form down below and we will answer all your questions for FREE!

A four year old girl named Miss S.I (Patient Identification number- 3689) a resident of Jammu came with her father on 14th May 2017.

Her father reported that she had complaints of recurrent cough since 1 yr . Her complaint of cough used to get worse at night and with change of weather.

She had a forceful cough with expectoration(mucus).Expectoration was thick and difficult to expel. Coughing usually ended with vomiting which consists of mucus. She felt better after vomiting. During cough her face became red along with excessive perspiration on her body. She had taken allopathic medications but had not much relief.

Our doctors studied her case thoroughly and prescribed medicine for 30 days.

Child reported after 1 month her cough had reduced considerable. She was advised to take precautions like avoiding cold things or cold drinks till her immunity became strong.

Patient continued medication for 2 more months and reported marked relief in all her symptoms. Child now enjoys cold drinks and ice cream without worrying about getting sick.

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