Cervical Spondylitis Now Better With Homeopathy

Cervical Spondylitis now better with our Homeopathic Medicines. Read this case study to know how we could help the patient. If you or your loved ones are suffering from a similar problem or any health issue for that matter, our doctors are always there to help you. Just fill in your details in the form down below and we will answer all your questions for FREE!

A patient of Cervical Spondylitis with Identification number.21233 visited our clinic for her 4 years old complaint of Neck pain. She was 48 years old and a computer operator by profession.

She complained of extreme neck pain with swelling at nape of the neck.

She complained of Vertigo along with vomiting. She felt as if her head was spinning and she said she has, ”darkness in front of her eyes.”

When she lied down on bed, she felt like her bed was also moving and she might fall from her bed. Her hunger diminished completely, with persistent vomiting that caused further increase in her weakness.

Her work was sedentary i.e.:- mostly on computer and she had to spent most of her time in typing a document. After 3-4 hours of continuous workout she had swelling of nape of her neck along with pain that radiates up to her ears.

She tried lots of treatments, therapies and massages to relieve her pain but after short period, they all end up with no results and pain reoccurred again.

Our team of doctors studied her case and advised her few exercises along with medicines, he also suggested her to relieve her neck pain by working with small intervals of breaks instead of continuous work for 3-4 hours.

She came up with good reviews regarding her pain. Her vertigo was better.

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