Wilson’s Disease:- A Case of Wilson Disease helped with Homeopathy

A woman suffering from Wilson Disease helped with homeopathy. Read the full post to learn how our homeopathy helped the patient of Wilson Disease. If you or your loved ones are suffering from such serious disorders, our doctors are always there to help you. Just fill in your details in the form down below and we will answer all your questions for FREE!

A Female of 24 years old (Identification no.31127) visited our clinic on 27th December 2016 with her husband for the Wilson disease. She came on a wheel chair as she informed that she had an accident 8 months back, and was in coma for approximately 2 months and had spinal injury as well.

According to her, once she recovered from her coma, she observed excessive stiffness has started in her joints. She felt crackling sounds as if forceful extension of her arms and legs may cause her elbow joint and knee joint to break down.

On physical examination our doctors observed that her body joints are very stiff, movement is difficult and she had pain in all her joints which got worse in winters mostly. Her hands and feet started to bend towards inwards, so holding of things are nearly impossible. Hand gripping was completely lost.

Her tooth begins to deteriorate, her angle of mouth turned towards left side and saliva was drooling out of mouth. She could follow or understand all the commands but it was not possible for her to answer any questions due to problem while speaking. She had slurred speech, had to put more energy to complete a sentence but because of severe weakness she can speak few words only.

Our team of doctors studied her case with all her given symptoms and started working over her case. He prescribed her a medicine along with speech therapy, for the rapid recovery.

On her second visit, we observed that her joint stiffness along with pain had mild improvement. Earlier, she was completely helpless but now she could hold the things.

Weakness got much better, that resulted in some energy while speaking. Her treatment is still in progress.

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