A Case Study of PCOD

A case study of PCOD, how it was successfully treated with our Homeopathic Medicine. Read this case study to know how we helped the patient. If you or your loved ones are suffering from a similar problem or any health issue for that matter, our doctors are always there to help you. Just fill in your details in the form down below and we will answer all your questions for FREE!

A patient of 15 years old with identification no.31122 came to our clinic regarding her PCOD. She told us that she got this from last 1 year.

Patient told us about her complaints which were started due to excess stress caused to her after separation of her parents. She stayed with her father and met her mother twice a month only.

She told us that she was left with no love for herself and always tried to harm her as to punish her parents. She wanted to commit suicide and end up her life because she had a thought that no one wants her.

All her mental stress affected her physical health, as in a very early stage or in an initial stage of menstrual cycle she got a disturbed menses.

She got her all test done and reports suggested Polycystic Ovarian Disease, both ovaries were affected. She had an irregular menses and when menses appeared, they were very painful.

Our doctors gave her counselling with medicines also. He boosts up his mental strength or gave her a positive approach regarding life.

She came up after 2 months, her menses were less painful this time, she was bit stable mentally but destructive nature were still there.

Within a year, her menstrual cycle became normal and pain were less as compared to earlier. Now, she was not on a medicine and got a normal menstrual cycle.

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