Case Study of Chronic Constipation Complete Recovery

A case study of chronic constipation complete recovery with our homeopathic medicines. Read this case study to know how we helped the patient. If you or your loved ones are suffering from a similar problem or any health issue for that matter, our doctors are always there to help you. Just fill in your details in the form down below and we will answer all your questions for FREE!

A 32 years old male with (Identification number.21143) consulted us for his complaint of chronic constipation. She told us that he had this issue since he was 6 years old and he have to take laxatives for bowel movements.

Sometimes, he had to strain a lot or for longer time to pass his stools, stools were hard which made him to weep if it does not pass.

His stools were very painful but sometimes and he applied too much pressure to pass it. Stools were black and hard with mucous.

Our team of doctors studied all his medical reports, took his case symptoms and prescribed him a medicine for 2 months and asked him to withdraw laxatives.

After two months, he said he had soft stools to some extent but he still had to apply pressure to pass the stools.

Medicines for next 2 months were prescribed to him for further improvement, this time he said stools had become bit more normal and were relatively soft which resulted in less pain while defecation.

Within 6 months of treatment he was much better and it took 1 years for his complete recovery.

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