A Case of Cosmetic Allergy

A case of cosmetic allergy treated successfully with our Homeopathic Medicine. Read this case study to know how we helped the patient. If you or your loved ones are suffering from a similar problem or any health issue for that matter, our doctors are always there to help you. Just fill in your details in the form down below and we will answer all your questions for FREE!

A patient aged 26 years with Identification no.41223 visited our clinic regarding her rashes on skin occurred after usage of some cosmetics.

She told us that she used some beauty cream on face which were composed of steroids, she used it for a month and when she discontinued it, she got a red rashes and acne on her face.

She so many household things and took treatment from some skin specialist also but all gave her a temporary relief. The time she was under treatment, her face became completely clear but once she stopped the treatment her rashes back with the same frequency.

Some of her relative recommended her to try Homeopathic treatment for skin and asked her to visit our Clinic.

She finally decided to consult with us, she visited our clinic, gave us her complete history.

Our doctors told her to discontinue all given ointments by the skin specialist and not to apply anything on face from now on.

Medicines were prescribed firstly to cut the effect of steroids and to heal the skin, one-month medicines were given to her.

On second follow up, she said that progress of rashes has decreased, allergy limited to one level now. After compared her face from before and after, medicines were given accordingly. This time our doctors worked over her acne.

Within 3 months, her rashes or acne were completely cured but marks of rashes were still there.

On next session of visit, medicines were prescribed to clear her marks and within 8 months of complete course, her face became clear and acne free.

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