Renal stones :- Calculi With Hydronephrosis Treated Completely With Dr. Thind’s Homeopathic Medicine

Calculi with hydronephrosis treated completely with our homeopathic medicine. Read the case study to learn how we could help the patient. If you or your loved ones are suffering from a disease or ailment, our doctors are always there to help you. Just fill in your details in the form down below and we will answer all your questions for FREE!

Mr. M.S (Patient Identification no. 2596) aged 34 years visited our Chandigarh clinic on 30th October 2017 from Parwanoo. He came with acute pain of lower abdomen due Renal Calculi (Kidney Stone). The obstruction of stone was causing Hydronephrosis (excess fluid in a kidney). The stone was single 4 mm stone was which was obstructing the ureter. Patient complained of pain in testes and burning sensation along with pain while passing urine.

His appetite, thirst, bowel movements were normal. Urine was dark colored.

Patient had no other complaints apart from this. He was frustrated due to pain and was taking pain killers on and off.

Patient was happily married. He had one daughter and was working as a civil engineer in a private company.

After studying the entire case in detail, constitutional medicine along with liquid medicine (Mother tincture) were prescribed to him.

Patient was advised to drink adequate amount of water .He visited for his 1st follow up on 10th November 2017. His pain had increased and he had pain in groin region too. Doctors increased the potency of his medication after reanalyzing the case.

On 19th December 2017 he visited for his 2nd follow up. His pain was constant. There was no change but the symptoms were not increasing. Patient was advised to continue the medication for few more weeks.

He visited on 13th January 2018 for his 3rd follow up. He had no pain; he was relieved and happy about his recovery. His Ultrasound also was normal there was no hydronephrosis and stone had been expelled. He was advised to continue medication for complete recovery.

Patient continued medication for 2 more months and then was advised to stop the medication as he had recovered completely.

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