Calcaneal Spur With High Uric Acid Treated with Homeopathy

Calcaneal Spur with high uric acid treated with homeopathy. Read this case study to know how our homeopathic medicines helped the patient. If you or your loved ones are suffering from a similar problem or any health issue for that matter, our doctors are always there to help you. Just fill in your details in the form down below and we will answer all your questions for FREE!

A patient of 61 years old with identification no.23431 consulted us regarding his calcaneal spur complaints.

Patient was retired navy officer and had this complaint from last 5 years.

He told us he took many medicines but every time he had a painkiller that gave relief for a short period however pain reoccurred after he stopped the medicines.

Our doctors advised him to get a X- Ray investigation done.

Patient came with his reports which were suggestive that he was suffering from pain due to calcaneal spur and blood reports suggested high uric acid.

Our team of doctors took his reports into consideration and gave him medicines for his calcaneal spur and uric acid with advice of using soft shoes heal that could not hurt his heal.

Patient came after 2 months with slight improvement. Pain was still there while he walked for a long period.

Within 4 months, patient got relief from pain due to calcaneal spur but medicines of uric acid were still continued as to avoid effect of high uric acid on other joints.

After 5 months of regular treatment his uric acid was under control.

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