Calcaneal Spur Treated With Homeopathy in 4 Months

A case of calcaneal spur treated in just 4 months with our Homeopathic Medicines. Read this case study to know how we helped the patient. If you or your loved ones are suffering from a similar problem or any health issue for that matter, our doctors are always there to help you. Just fill in your details in the form down below and we will answer all your questions for FREE!

Mrs. S.S.R visited our Clinic on 26th August 2018. She was 40-year-old home maker. She had complaint of heel pain in both the feet for 1 month. On investigating the x ray showed Calcaneal Spur on both the heels. The Uric acid was within normal range. The patient described her pain as if someone had put a nail in her heel it was pricking and stinging pain.

She was mother of 3 children and she was taking care of her ailing mother in law so due to pain while walking her life had become very difficult. Due to no rest the swelling in heel had worsened.

Our doctors prescribed her medication based on her symptoms.

She visited again on 23rd September 2018. She had mild improvement in her pain but still when she used to get up in the morning and started walking the pain was excruciating.

She reported on 30th October 2018 and she was 60 % better, she was so happy that she could do her daily activities comfortably.

Patient visited on 18th November 2018 and reported she had no pain or discomfort on her heel pain. She also reported that there was no swelling and she could walk comfortably without any pain.

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