Brochiectasis Better After Taking Homeopathic Medicines

A case of brochiectasis better after taking our homeopathic medicines. Read this case study to know how we helped the patient. If you or your loved ones are suffering from a similar problem or any health issue for that matter, our doctors are always there to help you. Just fill in your details in the form down below and we will answer all your questions for FREE!

Mrs VIN, age 56 years old female with the (identification number 1213), contacted us online on our website on 16th September 2016 with the complaint of Bronchiectasis (it’s a condition in which bronchial tubes of lungs get damaged and thickened).

She had chronic cough since 10 years and her cough started after high grade fever. Cough was more in the afternoon & get aggravated after loud talking and in winters.

Cough was difficult to expectorate. Her sputum/expectoration was thick, sticky and yellowish in color. Sometimes hemoptysis ( Blood in cough) occurs but with no chest pain and no breathlessness.

Our team of doctors studied her case and prescribed the medication on the basis of her symptoms.

After taking medicines for 15 days, she was slightly better in her cough as the frequency of cough reduces, rest all the symptoms were the same.

She continued the medication and reported back on 18th October 2016, this time she was better by 15 – 20 % in her complaint of cough. She was able to expectorate easily without hemoptysis.

She was advised to continue with the treatment for better results.

After 2 months, her condition was much better as she improved in all aspects. She continued her treatment for 8 more months.

She expressed her gratitude to our team for her recovery and was happy with the treatment.

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