Alopecia areata:- An Australian Baker Treated For Alopecia Areata With Homeopathy Successfully

A baker from Australia was successfully treated for Alopecia Areata. Read the full post to learn how our homeopathic medicines completely cured alopecia areata. If you or your loved ones are suffering from a disease or an ailment, our doctors are always there to help you. Just fill in your details in the form down below and we will answer all your questions for FREE!

A 40 year old Mr. R. S ( Patient Identification Number) contacted us through our website on 18th August 2017. He resided in Australia. He was a baker by profession. He owned a pastry Bakery. He had started loosing hair in patches and after consulting with his dermatologist he was treated with cortico steroid creams and injections. Patient had 2 to 3 patches on scalp and small patch had started appearing on his beard. Patient was habitual Hair dye user which the doctor advised to stop.

Patient was anxious due to his appearance. He was ambitious and responsible person. He was duty conscious and was stressed about his business.
Our doctors prescribed medicines which was couriered to the patient and was advised follow up with us regularly. Patient was advised to stop Corticosteroids usage.

Patient called for a follow up on 5th October 2017. He was glad to report that patches had stopped spreading and his patches on scalp had started recovering as small hair follicles had started growing. The patch on beard was still the same.

Patient continued medication for 3 more months and his all patches had recovered completely. Patient was asked to keep a check if patches relapse. Its been almost one year and he has no relapse till date.

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