Assamese Farmer Treated for Hirschsprung’s Disease

An Assamese Farmer treated for Hirschsprung’s Disease with our homeopathic medicines. Read this case study to know how we helped the patient. If you or your loved ones are suffering from a similar problem or any health issue for that matter, our doctors are always there to help you. Just fill in your details in the form down below and we will answer all your questions for FREE!

A 35 year old farmer from Assam Mr. A.B ( patient Identification Number -33869) contacted us through our website on 24Th August 2018. Patient was suffering from Hirschsprung’s Disease since 2 years.

He complained of constipation. He had no urge to defecate. And after his bowel movements he never felt satisfied. He complained of excessive flatulence along with bloating of abdomen. He had discomfort as soon as he ate food. On studying the reports it was noticed that patient was suffering from Iron Deficiency Anemia due to improper digestion and lack of nutrition.

Our team of doctors prescribed medicines based on his symptoms which was then couriered to the patient.

Patient reported over telephone on 24th September 2017. His appetite had increased and pain in abdomen after eating had reduced. His complaints of bloated abdomen had reduced. He still had no relief in bowel movement.

Mr. A.B reported again on 30th October 2017 with better appetite and he had started feeling urge while passing bowel movement.

The patient continued medication for 2 more months and reported on 3rd January 2018.

His complaints were approximately 80 % better. He had no pain in abdomen while eating and his appetite was normal. His Haemoglobin had also improved and was in normal range now.

He was asked to discontinue medication and was asked to report for few months. It’s been almost 6 months but the patient had no complaints and is feeling a lot better.

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