Allergic bronchitis treated with Homeopathy by Dr Thind

A case of allergic bronchitis treated completely with our homeopathic medication. If you or your loved ones are suffering from a similar problem or any health issue, our doctors are always there to help you. Just fill in your details in the form down below and we will answer all your questions for FREE!

A ten year old boy named Master v.p (Patient Identification number- 3789) a resident of Chandigarh came with his father on 14th July 2017.

His father reported that he had complaints of recurrent cough, coryza, fever with thick white sticky expectoration since 3 yr . His complaint of cough used to get worse early morning and with change of temperature.

He had a forceful barking cough with mucus. Expectoration was thick and difficult to expel. Coughing usually ended with vomiting which consists of sticky, stringy mucus. He felt better after vomiting. During cough his face became red along with excessive perspiration on his body. He had taken conventional medications and got nebulised but had no improvement.

Our doctors studied his case thoroughly and prescribed him a medicine for 10 days.

Child reported after 1 month his cough had reduced considerable. He was advised to avoid cold things or cold drinks, sour food.

Patient continued medication for 2 more months and reported marked relief in all his complaints.

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