Achalasia Cardia:-A Case of Achalasia Cardia Treated Successfully with Homeopathy Medication

A Case of Achalasia Cardia Treated Successfully with Homeopathy Medication. Read the full post to learn how we helped the patient with homeopathic medicines. If you or your loved ones are suffering from any disease, our doctors are always there to help you. Just fill in your details in the form down below and we will answer all your questions for FREE!

A 32 Year old patient named Mrs. R.R ( patient Identification Number-3265) contacted us on 24th February 2018 via our website from Phagwara. Patient was suffering from Achalasia Cardia since 3 years.

She had complaints of vomiting as soon as she ate anything and extreme pain in upper abdominal region. She also had complaints of regurgitation problem while eating her food.She vomited with mucous and bilious secretion.

She could not tolerate cold food or cold drinks. She could not sleep at night due to burning sensation in abdomen.

Our doctors prescribed her medication based on her symptoms.

She reported after 12th March 2018 she had mild improvement in her pain and burning sensation of abdomen. Her dosage was increased after re-evaluation of her case.

She reported again on 25th April with considerable improvement. She had no pain in her abdomen and burning sensation had reduced up to 60-70%. Her vomiting had reduced, now she used to vomit only if she overate.

She continued the medication for 2 more months and reported on 23th June 2018. She had occasional vomiting that is once in a fortnight and her complaints of burning sensation and pain in abdomen were better. She is still continuing medication for complete recovery.

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