Absolute Relief From Achalasia by Homeopathy Medicines

Case study showing how yo can get absolute relief from achalasia by homeopathy medicines. Read this case study to know how our homeopathic medicines helped the patient. If you or your loved ones are suffering from a similar problem or any health issue for that matter, our doctors are always there to help you. Just fill in your details in the form down below and we will answer all your questions for FREE!

A patient from U.S.A with Identification no.54321 approached us via our online treatment method for his complaints of Achalasia Cardia disease. He gave us a call and told all his symptoms on it, he mentioned that he had this illness from last 3 years.

He felt regurgitation of food even liquid was tough to swallow and all the food pushed back induced vomiting.

His vomiting consisted of food which he had just a few minutes ago along with large bouts of mucous. It caused great weakness in him.

Our doctors asked him to send all his reports. We studied his reports and suggest him to take few precautions and avoid heavy diets.

We took all his symptoms and ship him medicines at his place in U.S.A. His medicines lasted for 2 months and suggested him to reports us after 2 months.

The patient reported us his situation after every fortnight and we analysed his condition if it was stable or not but all the time his complaints were getting stable.

Medicines for next session were given to him according to his follow ups. It was advised him to discontinued non-vegetarian diet if its indigestible to him.

In his treatment of 9 months, the medications caused some changes in him and he felt bit better.

But, according to his health condition it was already clear to him that his treatment will take some long time for better results.

It took around 2 years to get better results and patient was able to have his food and lead a normal life.

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