A Case of Chronic Atopic dermatitis with anxiety

A case of chronic Atopic dermatitis with anxiety was treated with our Homeopathic Medicine. Read this case study to know how we helped the patient. If you or your loved ones are suffering from a similar problem or any health issue for that matter, our doctors are always there to help you. Just fill in your details in the form down below and we will answer all your questions for FREE!

A 34-year-old male patient Mr. R.K Sharma (ID-55312) started treatment from Dr. Thind for his complaint of atopic dermatitis on 3rd April 2021.

His Present Complaints were:

The patient complained of dry skin lesions over the arms and legs. He was suffering from itching and scaling for 10 years of his age. His skin had become hyperpigmented.

Later, he developed some vesicles over there which burst and led to the shedding of the skin which spread over the arms and legs with immense itching and yellowish discharge.

At the time of consultation, the skin was dry and crusty. He always used to scratch the eruption, but scratching resulted in burning and oozing from the affected site.

His complaints aggravated after scratching, in the summers, and by dust.

The patient was also suffering from anxiety.

History of present complaints:

His complaints started 6 years back. Initially, he had an eruption on his hands but the disease gradually spread day by day to his arms and legs. He was experiencing intense burning after scratching. His skin problem had made him anxious and depressed.

He had done the allergic test, and as per the reports he was allergic to many things, mainly to the dust mite.

Treatment history:

He took allopathic treatment (immunosuppressive medicines) and applied steroidal ointments for a long time, but there was no complete improvement in his complaints.

Later, he used some ayurvedic ointment which gave him slight relief but aggravated after that.

Our prescription:

After proper case taking in detail and based on the present complaints a few medicines were considered and out of them, we prescribed the following:

Sulphur 1M Stat, to cover the dry skin lesion.

From the next day:

Mezereum 30 thrice a day, to cover the intolerable itching, burning, and yellowish discharge for 1 month.

Petroleum 30 thrice a day, to cover the dryness.

Follow ups:

10th May 2021 (1st Follow-up)-The patient reported that his complaints were better by 30%. The hyperpigmentation on his skin was still there. His scaling had reduced slightly. His itching had reduced. The dryness of the skin was still there.

Medicines prescribed:

Petroleum 1M stat, to cover the dry skin lesion and intense itching.

Mezereum 30 thrice a day, to cover the intolerable itching, burning, and yellowish discharge for 1 month.

Sulphur 30 thrice a day, to cover the itching and scaling.

16th July 2021 (3rd follow-up)-He was better by 50% with the medicines. His red eruption and scaling were significantly less now. He was no longer suffering from the itching or scratching of the skin. He was overall improving with the medicines. He was mentally relaxed now. He felt less irritable than before.

So the same medicines prescribed:

Petroleum 1M stat, to cover the dry skin lesion and intense itching.

Mezereum 30 thrice a day, to cover the intolerable itching, burning, and yellowish discharge.

Graphites 30 thrice a day.

3rd October 2021 (6th follow-up)-The patient updated that the hyperpigmentation on the skin was gradually reducing and his skin had started becoming normal. He had noticed an improvement in recovery from the skin condition day by day with the medicines. There was a mild increase in the symptoms.

Medicines prescribed:

Psorinum 1M stat, to cover the dry skin lesion and intense itching.

Mezereum 30 thrice a day, to cover the intolerable itching, burning, and yellowish discharge.

Graphites 30 thrice a day, to cover the dryness and scaling.

2nd Feb 2022 (10th follow-up)-He was much better with the medicines, he started stable physically and mentally. He mentioned his relief from anxiety, which he was facing due to his skin problem. His skin lesion was resolving. Overall he was perfectly better with the medicines.

Mr. R.K Sharma was very happy with the results of his skin problem. He thanked us for treating him. He is still continuing the treatment to achieve a complete recovery. We are thankful to Mr. R.K Sharma for entrusting us.


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