A Case of Atopic Dermatitis successfully treated:

A case of  Atopic dermatitis was treated with our Homeopathic Medicine. Read this case study to know how we helped the patient. If you or your loved ones are suffering from a similar problem or any health issue for that matter, our doctors are always there to help you. Just fill in your details in the form down below and we will answer all your questions for FREE!

A 4-year-old boy named Aman Singh(ID-58347) was brought to Dr Thind for his atopic dermatitis complaints on 3rd March 2021.

His Present complaints were:

The patient presented a red elevated papular eruption on the cheeks, arms, and elbow folds associated with severe itching.

The skin of the child was dry and had cracks in the affected area.

The child was very irritable due to the intolerable itching. He was continuously scratching the affected parts, which led to some bleeding points.

During the examination, when we asked his mother to undress him, then he started scratching the eruption, and the intensity of the itching increased.

The itching was aggravated at night and from the heat of the bed (mostly in the winter). Due to the itching, the child was unable to sleep at night.

History of present complaints:

His complaints started when he was 6 months old. They applied ointment (hydrocortisone) prescribed by an allopathic doctor. Earlier all the eruptions were subsided by the medicines, but they again reappear after some time. As long as they were applying the medicines he felt better but whenever they stopped it started appearing again.

They had been using several lotions on the affected area but no improvement.

No, any other medical history was remarkable.

Treatment history:

They took allopathic treatment for one year which didn’t get relief.

Later they used some ointment for 6 months which gave them slight relief but again aggravated after that.

He was not taking any treatment for the last 3 months.

Our Prescription:

After proper case taking in detail and based on the present complaints a few medicines were considered and out of them, we prescribed the following:

Sulphur 1M stat, as it covered the intolerable skin itching and mainly aggravated at night

From the next day:

Graphites 30 thrice a day, as it covered the dry, rough skin and cracks as well, for 15 days.

Alumina 30 thrice a day, as it covered the excessive dryness, for 15 days.

Follow ups:

On 17th March 2021 (1st follow-up) –

The patient’s mother reported he was better with the medicines. The frequency of the itching was slightly reduced, but the red eruption remained the same as before. There was a slight improvement in irritability and crankiness. The symptoms again aggravated when his mother undressed him.

Medicines prescribed:

Natrum sulph 1M stat, to cover the itching while undressing.

From the next day:

Graphites 30 thrice a day, as it covered the dry, rough skin and cracks as well, for 1 month.

Sulphur 30 thrice a day, as it covered the intolerable skin itching and mainly aggravated at night, for 1 month.

22nd May 2021 (3rd Follow up):

The patient’s mother updated that he was overall better with the medicines. His red eruption had subsided gradually. His intense itching and the dryness of the skin had reduced than before. But there was a certain episode of itching at night.

Medicine prescribed:

Psorinum 1M stat

From the next day:

Sulphur 30 thrice a day, as it covered the itching after scratching.

Petroleum 30 thrice a day, as it covered the dryness, itching at night, and cracks that bleed easily.

2nd August 2021 (6th follow up):

The patient’s mother told that he was almost 70% better now. He was perfectly fine with the homeopathic medicines. Gradually the intensity of his itching was very less. The texture of the skin has improved. She told us that the child was no more irritable and slept well at night. So the same medicines were prescribed:

Psorinum 1M stat.

Sulphur 30 thrice a day, as it covered the itching after scratching.

Petroleum 30 thrice a day, as it covered the dryness, itching at night, and cracks bleeds easily.

On 2nd November 2021 (10th follow up):

The patient’s parents updated that their child was recovered by 90%. The itching no longer affected him, but the dryness of the skin has persisted but it’s quite less than before. The child was perfectly better with the homeopathic medicines.

The parents of the child were very happy and satisfied with us. They thanked us for treating their child and improving his health. They are continuing the treatment to complete the full recovery.

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