Calcium and Teens

Calcium is essential for strong, healthy bones. Calcium is very important mineral in our body for overall nutrition and health.

Deficiency of calcium in body leads to disrupt basic body functions.

Calcium helps to:

Keep bones and teeth strong.
Clotting of blood, contraction of muscle, and function of nerves.
Maintaining regular heartbeat.

Disease conditions which can occur due to deficiency of calcium are as follows

• Increase the risk of colorectal cancer
• Lowers systolic blood pressure in individuals with high blood pressure.
• Decreases the risk of osteoporosis
• Decreases risk for overweight and obesity.

Our body like to keep the amount of calcium in our blood within a certain narrow range. This range allows the cells in our body to stay healthy and perform jobs necessary for life.

When calcium level in our blood goes below normal our parathyroid glands release a hormone called parathyroid hormone. PTH tells our bones to release more calcium into the blood stream.

PTH also helps activate vitamin D which in turn increases intestinal calcium absorption.
We obtain vitamin D from the foods we eat and from our skin in response to sunlight.

Calcium helps your body with

• Building strong bones and teeth.
• Clotting blood.
• Sending and receiving nerve signals
• Squeezing and relaxing muscles
• Releasing hormones and other chemicals
• Keeping a normal heartbeat

Sources of calcium are as follows

• Dairy products: Dairy products such as milk, curd, cheese are rich in calcium in a form that is easily digested and absorbed by the body.

• Green vegetables: There are many green vegetables which are rich source of calcium especially green leafy ones. Major vegetables are turnip greens, kale (karam sag), romaine lettuce (saag), celery, broccoli, green beans, Brussels sprouts, asparagus, crimini mushrooms.

• Beans: Another rich source of calcium is try black beans, pinto beans, kidney beans, white beans, black-eyed peas, or baked peas.

• Herbs and spices: For a small but tasty calcium boost, flavor your food with basil, thyme, dill weed, cinnamon, peppermint leaves, garlic, oregano, rosemerry and parsley.

• Other foods: Other foods rich in calcium are as follows salmon, tofu, oranges, almonds, sesame seeds, blackstrap molasses and sea vegetables. And don’t forget about calcium-fortified foods such as cereals and orange juice.

Homoeopathic medicines are very effective in treating calcium deficiency. There are different medicines available in homoeopathy which helps to treat calcium deficiency effectively. Homoeopathic medicines are easy to take and more effective.

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