Be aware of artificially flavored drinks

Sugary drinks are considered a major contributor to health conditions such as obesity, type 2 diabetes and tooth decay. Giving up soft drinks can be one of the best things you can do to improve your health.

But have you ever wondered what effects it has on the body?


• Your lungs

People those who consume more than 500 ml of soft drink a day had significantly increased chances of asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

• Your joints

Women who consume a soft drink most days higher risk of gout, “Soft drinks are loaded with fructose, which has to be converted to glucose”. During this process, uric acid is created. Too much uric acid in the body produces crystals which are deposited in joints, causing damage and inflammation.”

• Your pancreas

“The pancreas helps us control blood sugar levels by secreting insulin,” .Insulin helps regulate blood sugar levels but also encourages pancreatic cells to grow and divide. The study suggests that by increasing insulin, soft drinks could also increase the risk of cancer developing.

• Your heart

People who drink on average one can of soft drink are at higher risk of heart attack than those who rarely consume sugary drinks.

• Your menstrual cycle

Studies found that the girls who consumed daily sugary beverages started to menstruate about three months earlier than those who didn’t touch the sweet stuff.

• Your bones

Women who consume cola-based drinks a day have almost 4 per cent lower bone density than those who drink non-cola based drinks, thereby increasing their risk of osteoporosis.

What else can be taken instead:


Not only is it cheap but a fresh supply of water is needed by the body daily in order to perform almost every metabolic process and replace fluid that’s lost through perspiration and other bodily functions. “Water is the best choice”.

Fruit infused water

“Add slices of your favourite fruits and vegetables – try lemons, oranges, strawberries, watermelon, cucumber, mint or limes – to a jug of water and leave to infuse for at least 30 minutes.

Homemade iced tea

Brew two bags of fruit tea such as strawberry and vanilla or lemon and ginger, in a cup of water. “Then chill and serve with ice and sparkling or mineral water,”

Sparkling with a dash of juice

The ideal compromise if you can’t handle plain water. “Mix one part fruit juice to three parts sparkling water – this dilutes the sugar”.


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