Laughter is the Best Medicine

Do you know how laughter can actually improve your health? Some people consider laughter as strong medicine. It’s true!. Laughter is the best medicine’ because when you laugh you get healed mind, body and soul.

Most of your stress, anger and pain get relieved when you laugh. It will keep you calm and balance you physically and emotionally.

Laughter add years to your life, strengthens your immune system, boosts mood, diminishes pain and protects you from the harmful effects of stress. keeps you focused and alert. It is a powerful antidote to stress, pain, and conflict.

How laughter is the best medicine for Healthy body?

Laughter is the great method to fight against depression. Even forced laughter releases a hormones, neuropeptides and dopamine that can start to improve your mood. It reduces the influence of negativity in life. It adds joy and zest to life, it soothes your anxiety and tension, improves your modd and make you more lively.

Laughing is a good cardio workout, it is a exercise in which you inhale oxygen and improves the function of blood vessels, which increases the blood flow to protect you against a heart attack and other cardiovascular problems.

Laughter is the simple medicine to reduce your blood pressure with no side effects and lots of positive effects on your overall well-being. It helps to overcome our anger and frustration.

Laughter decreases stress hormones which helps to increases immune cells and infection fighting antibodies. It triggers the release of endorphins, the body’s natural feel good chemicals to promote an overall well-being and can even temporarily relieve pain. Practicing laughter everyday will heal you faster.

Laughter have a physical, chemical and emotional reactions on the body and has an over all beneficial effect on health or beauty. It is a kind of face work out to relaxes the face muscles and tissues. The more you laugh the more your face become toned and glowing. It will delay your aging and protect your skin from early wrinkles.

People with a strong sense of humor and those who laugh as much can have a better life than those who stress up there mind usually as “laughter is a life improving medicine whereas stress is a life killing drug”. It strengthens your ability to accept failures and hardships of life.

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