12 Delicious Healthy Treats To Eat Sweet, Still Stay Fit!

Eating tasty desserts doesn’t mean you cannot stay fit. You can opt for healthier desserts too. Read this article till the end to find out all the healthy sweet treats to eat sweet and still stay fit.

eat sweet still stay fitIt is one of the most loved dessert. Berries are low in calories and rich in antioxidant. Whipped cream adds on 30-40 calories but one can opt for low fat sour cream.

eat sweet still stay fitIt is a sweet treat which is rich in fiber, it works well with kids as instead of junk food or snacks fruit bars can be given. Sugar can be controlled depending on your taste. You can opt for healthier option of low sugar.

eat sweet still stay fit
The most beneficial variant is 70% cocoa. It should be noted that caffeine contents go up along with cocoa. It also helps in secretion of Serotonin that is happy hormone in brain which in directly helps in cases of Bulimia.

eat sweet still stay fit
It feels as indulgent as an ice cream sundae but it is with less added sugar, more fiber, and plenty of nutrients. It serves as a good breakfast option as well as a tasty dessert.

eat sweet still stay fit
In the mood for apple pie? This warm, gooey treat could hit the spot. Apple can substitute for artificial sugar and satisfy your sweet tooth.

eat sweet still stay fit
Fresh or even dry fruits pairs well with the satisfying creaminess of the cheese. Try various options like brie, goat cheese, or cheddar with dates, figs, or apples. Limit the portion size.

eat sweet still stay fit
This dessert looks fancy and indulgent, but it’s pretty simple. Banana is good source of fiber, potassium and calcium as well. Enjoy two or three slices (about 70 calories) at a time.

eat sweet still stay fit
A well-balanced bar has 3 grams of fiber, 3 to 6 grams of protein, and around 175 calories. But this should be from nuts and fruit, not from “soy isolates,” “chicory root,” or other processed ingredients.

eat sweet still stay fit
To poach something is to simmer it gently in some liquid. You can do pears in different variants like lemon, apple juice, red wine, and many other liquids. It’s a simple but elegant, healthy dessert, it’s just 100 calories, it is good option for weight watchers.

eat sweet still stay fit
This is a tasty treat is just 30 calories. You can control calories and fat if you sprinkle your own mixture of cinnamon and sugar.

eat sweet still stay fit
This is everyone’s favorite treat in winters, children prefer chocolate milk over other flavors. Chocolate milk is not just good as a dessert but people have it for breakfast as well.

eat sweet still stay fit
It is a good source for protein with just 80 calories. It can be prepared in various flavors so kids can be benefit with good protein source.

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