What Are the Causes of Excessive Sweating?

Everyone sweats but excessive sweating is a disturbing problem. In this article, find out seven causes of excessive sweating.

Sweating is a general body function, and almost everyone has this experience but excess of everything is wrong, excessive sweating may cause uncomfortable, stressful, low confidence or low esteem, embarrassing feeling in a one.

causes of excessive sweating

Sweating may usually be caused due to exposure to heat, hot weather or in fever condition but sometimes it may be caused due to certain reasons.

Here we have a few reasons for excessive sweating:
Hyperthyroidism occurs due to excessive production of thyroxine hormones, it happens when out thyroid is overactive. Excessive sweating is one of the characteristic symptoms of Hyperthyroidism including other symptoms of weight loss, rapid heartbeat, and irritability.

Anxiety or stress is one of the major causes of excessive sweating, it may cause heavy sweating when we are worried or anxious about something, sudden shock can produce extreme sweating.

Few medicines cause excessive sweating as a side effect such as if someone is taking treatment of high blood pressure, psychiatric drugs, Certain antibiotics or treatment for dry mouth can experience more of having extreme sweating.

Excessive sweating can also be caused due to low glucose levels mostly when drops too low. Sweating can happen in diabetes of any kind either it would be Type 1, Type 2, or gestational diabetes during pregnancy.

Excessive sweating can be a sign of an underlying problem and can be the cause of certain kinds of cancers that include Liver, Leukemia, Mesothelioma, Bone cancer, Lymphoma.

Due to the dropping of oestrogen level during menopause almost every woman experiences hot flashes, heavy sweating and night sweats.

Pregnancy is a cause of heavy sweating, mostly in late pregnancy when a female has to carry excess weight of her body and of a foetus. It is considered an obvious cause of pregnancy, almost every pregnant female experience this.


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