What To Do If Your Baby Is Suffering From Acid Reflux


baby is suffering from acid reflux

Babies commonly have acid reflux, but it doesn’t always require treatment like medication. If your baby is spitting up after feedings but is gaining weight, sleeping well, and not irritated, he/she is likely fine. However, in other babies, reflux can be severe and do need intervention.

Your child needs treatment for GERD if he/she:
• Has poor growth
• Is in severe pain
• Refuses to eat due to pain
• Has breathing problems due to inhaling refluxed milk

Treatment for acid reflux depends on your child’s age and the severity of the problem and may involve feeding changes, medicines, or surgery if required.

Feeding changes

•Small Frequent feedings: Babies are more likely to spit up when they drink large amounts in one sitting. Changing your baby’s feeding schedule i.e., Giving your baby smaller frequent feedings may reduce spit-up and symptoms of reflux. Feeding whenever your baby appears to be hungry or on-demand, may also be helpful.

•Upright position after feedings: Holding your baby upright or Placing your baby in a semi-upright position in a swing or bouncer for about 30 minutes after each feeding can help reduce the symptoms of severe reflux. How you position your baby after feeding is very important. Babies mostly do spit up if they are placed in a seated position after they eat. Another positioning technique that can be helpful is stomach positioning but Keep in mind that it should only be used when your baby is awake and being observed because of the risk of SIDS.

•Burp them more often: Burping your infant during a feeding Whether you bottle-feed or breastfeed may help with reflux symptoms. Burp bottle-fed infants after every 1 to 2 ounces and breastfed babies after nursing from each breast.

•Changing your baby’s formula: Changing infant formula with a different protein makeup such as soy or a hypoallergenic formula may help If your baby’s reflux symptoms are due to a food allergy but do Talk to your doctor before changing your baby’s formula.

•Check bottle and nipple size: If your baby is bottle feed, avoid nipples with larger holes that can cause milk to flow too fast. To avoid air gulping keep the nipple filled with milk throughout feedings.


Medication for GERD in infants is recommended if
• you have tried making feeding changes
• the infant has problems sleeping or feeding
• the infant does not grow properly
• the reflux is severe

Medications include thickening agents, antacids, H-2 blockers, proton-pump inhibitors, and motility agents. Consult your child’s doctor before giving any medication to your little one.

Homeopathy can help in treating your child’s complaint in the safest, gentle and effective way. Homeopathic medicines will not only control the symptoms but also avoid the condition. There are several medicines available to treat constipation in Homeopathy such as Aethusa Cynapium, Chamomilla, Carb-Veg, Natrum Phos, etc. But the exact selection of medicine depends upon the detailed case taking of the individual patient.

If your child is suffering from Acid Reflux, pay attention to it ASAP, and get in touch with us. Here at Dr.Thind’s Homeopathy Clinic, effective and complete treatment is provided for children of all ages and adults to cure this disease permanently.


Surgery to treat acid reflux in babies and kids is needed only when reflux causes severe breathing problems or prevents growth or other complications. When it is necessary, Discuss the potential risks and benefits of the procedure with your child’s doctor.

Also Read: GERD or Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease

For more information, you can visit WebMD and HealthLine.

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